Submission Guidelines
1. Please submit all articles by email with the text in a word processing program file, and keep formatting to a minimum (flush left, normal margins, consistent spacing, etc.) Use Endnotes rather than Footnotes.
2. Please include a brief "author's credits" bio.
3. If the article includes music examples, artwork, scanned photos, etc. that were produced on a computer, please submit those files by email in their original state. You may include a hard copy that has the artwork integrated, in order that we can see where the examples should appear. But do not simply submit a single page-layout or word processing program file that has art or music files integrated. We need separate text, photo, art, music, etc. files.
4. Include any photos that can accompany your article. Indicate clearly if the photos, music or other materials must be returned to you after the article is published. It is the author's responsibility to secure permission for the use of copyrighted photos. A letter or email granting permission must be included.
5. Music examples must be clear. PAS prefers original Finale files if those are used. Sibelius works as well, but export as Music xml files, and also send a pdf for reference. If the music must be scanned from a published work, you must include an original copy of the work. It is the author's responsibility to secure permission for the use of copyrighted music. Even if you composed the music sample, if it comes from a published work, we must have permission from the publisher to use. A letter or email granting permission must be included.
6. Include any audio or video files that can accompany your article. It is the author's responsibility to secure permission for the use audio or video files. A letter or email granting permission must be included.
For more information regarding media, please view our media guidelines here.
7. Once submitted, within 14 business days you will receive notification from a PAS Associate Editor that your article has been received. You will be notified by that same editor within six weeks from the submission date if the article is accepted or rejected along with a probable publication date. Please contact PAS Co-Content Editors, Julie Hill,, and Paul Buyer,, if you do not receive communication as outlined here.
8. We reserve the right to edit articles for content, style and/or length.
For further information please call (317) 974-4488 or email