Corporate Membership Application

Company Information

Company Information

Primary Contact Information

Membership Information

Benefactor Benefits
  • One full-page, color ad in Percussive Notes
  • Up to 8 hours of private demonstration space if exhibiting at PASIC
  • One custom email blast to over 31,000 unique users
  • Discounted Advertising
  • Discounts to exhibit at PASIC
  • Linked logo from PAS website
  • Nine All Access Individual Memberships
  • Nine VIP Individual Membership
Patron Benefits
  • One half-page, color ad in Percussive Notes
  • One custom email blast to over 31,000 unique users
  • Discounted Advertising
  • Discounts to exhibit at PASIC
  • Linked logo from PAS website
  • Six All Access Individual Memberships
  • Six VIP Individual Memberships
Partner Benefits
  • One third-page, color ad in Percussive Notes
  • Discounted Advertising
  • Discounts to exhibit at PASIC
  • Linked logo from PAS website
  • Three All Access Individual Memberships
  • Three VIP Individual Memberships
Supporter Benefits
  • Discounted Advertising
  • Discounts to exhibit at PASIC
  • Links from PAS website
  • One All Access Individual Membership
  • One VIP Individual Membership

Want to know additional ways you can support PAS?

Check out your options here!
Payment Information

Dues to the Percussive Arts Society are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, PAS® dues may qualify as business expenses subject to restrictions imposed by the Internal Revenue Code.

Checks should be mailed to:

Percussive Arts Society

127 E. Michigan Street, Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46204

No refunds will be issued. A service charge of $25 will be charged for any returned checks.

If you do not have your Purchase Order yet, please email with the appropriate documents when they are available.